ත්රස්ත විමර්ශන කොට්ඨාසයේ ප්රධානී හිටපු නියෝජ්ය පොලිස්පති නාලකද සිල්වා මහතාට ඇප ලබා දීමට කොටුව මහෙස්ත්රාත් රංග දිසානායක මහතා අද නියෝග කළේය.
මීළඟ ජනාධිපතිවරණය සඳහා නාමයෝජනා කැඳවීම ඔක්තෝබර් මස 20 වනදාට පෙර සිදු කරන බව මැතිවරණ කොමිෂන් සභාවේ සභාපති මහින්ද දේශප්රිය සඳහන්කර තිබේ.
The State Vesak Festival 2019 will commence today at the Telwatte Purana Rathpath Raja Maha Vihara in Hikkaduwa under the patronage of President Maithripala Sirisena.
A team of senior international experts in destination reputation management and crisis recovery is now working out Sri Lanka ’s strategic plan to revive its floundering tourism industry affected by Easier terror, SL tourism authority announced.
බොදු බල සේනා සංවිධානයේ මහ ලේකම් ගලගොඩඅත්තේ ඥාණසාර හිමියන්ට ජනාධිපති සමාව දී නිදහස් කිරීමට ජනාධිපති සිරිසේන තීරණය කර ඇති බව ජනාධිපති කාර්යාල ආරංචි මාර්ග සදහන් කරයි.
ප්රතිත්රස්ත පනත ගෙනඒම අත්හිටුවා ත්රස්තවාදය වැළැක්වීමේ පනත තවත් ශක්තිමත් කළ යුතු බව නිවාස ඉදිකිරීම් හා සංස්කෘතික කටයුතු අමාත්ය සජිත් ප්රේමදාස පවසනවා.
Controversy swirls in political circles about reports on President Maithripala Sirisena’s move to seek an advisory opinion from the Supreme Court (SC) in terms of Article 129 whether he could serve in office till June 20, 2020, thereby postponing the presidential election otherwise scheduled for later this year.
The separatist terrorism, waged for 26 years by the LTTE could not be defeated even by the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) comprising 100,000 soldiers but was defeated by our own heroic soldiers and as such, our intelligence services, soldiers and the police have the capability and resolve to wipe out religious extremist terrorism in the same manner, President Maithripala Sirisena said yesterday.
Army Commander Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake said the military has fulfilled its responsibility in restoring peace in the country, and urged the public to resume their daily routine and send their children to school.
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday said the Government will not grant permission to operate Sharia Universities and Madrasa Schools will be brought under the Education Ministry.
තිස් වසරක යුද්ධයේදි දිවිපිදු සහ ආබාධිත තත්ත්වයට පත්වු රණවිරුවන් සිහිපත් කරමින් රණවිරු සැමරුම් උත්සවය අද(19) පැවැත්වීමට නියමිතයි.
Prime Minister says no requirement for sharia universities in SL
Says aim is to establish institutions under UGC where all students can study
Talks continue on Madrasa Education Regulatory Bill with involvement of AG and Muslim Affairs Ministry
President-appointed Expert Committee recommends independent board and management for SLA by separation of Government’s ownership of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)
Lays down criteria for appointing individuals to SLA Board
Recommends a complete freeze on hiring except for essential positions
Proposes an independent procurement process for SLA
Calls for closer cooperation between SLA and Sri Lanka Tourism
President Maithripala Sirisena who visited the Welikada Prison yesterday (18) called on the Bodu Bala Sena General Secretary Ven. Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thera and had a long private discussion with him.
සියලුම විශ්රාමික පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රීවරුන්ට හා විශ්රාමික මන්ත්රීවරුන්ගේ වැන්දඹුවන්ට තවත් රුපියල් 15,000ක දීමනාවක් ගෙවීමට අනුමැතිය ඉල්ලා අමාත්ය මණ්ඩලයට කැබිනට් පත්රිකාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබෙන බව රජයේ ආරංචි මාර්ගවලින් පැවැසේ.
In the wake of growing cyber attacks in intensity and sophistication both here and overseas, Sri Lanka will be establishing Cyber Security Authority (CSA) after enacting Cyber Security Act soon, official sources said.
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said that Sri Lanka does not need Sharia Universities.
Minister of Finance and Mass media Mangala Samaraweera is asking state banks under the purview of his ministry to stop advertising on Derana and Hiru.
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