Saturday, October 19, 2024
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Sri Lanka seeks US assistance in identifying  modern explosives

Sri Lanka will be seeking seek US assistance in devising new method of technology to identify modern explosives in order to take precautions against future terror attacks of extremists following the Ester terror attack on April 21.

Ministry of Science, Technology, and Research has stepped into introduce new method of technology in sophisticated bomb sensing with the aim of further strengthening the country’s security against extremist terror attacks.

The US has expresses willingness to support Sri Lanka towards this end at a recent meeting chaired by Minister Sujeewa Senasinghe.

This assurance was given by Deputy Chief of Mission of US Embassy in Sri Lanka Robert Hilton who was among senior officials attended the meeting.

Suicide bombers involved in the Eater terror attack are believed to have been used TATP, chemically known astriacetone triperoxide, police sources said.

Most standard bomb sensing equipment cannot detect TATP, but new sensors are being introduced that use colormetric sensor arrays – essentially sensing the temperature of TATP released gases.

TATP is extraordinarily volatile and many ISIS , Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorists have blown themselves up handing TATP, foreign explosive experts revealed.

TATP plus shrapnel was used in the Manchester suicide bombings in 2017 that killed 23 people and wounded another 39.

On March 22, 2016 , there were two suicide bombings at the Brussels Zaventem airport and another at the Maalbeek Metro station in central Brussels . Thirty-two people died in these attacks and more than 300 were injured.
