Sunday, October 27, 2024
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$ 400 m ADB loan to reform education

Cabinet this week approved utilising a $ 400 million loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to make key reforms to Sri Lanka’s education system including developing secondary schools, increase the numbers of teachers and raising the number of national schools to 1000.

Cabinet Spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella told reporters at the weekly Cabinet briefing that obtaining the $ 400 million loan was approved by Cabinet on 1 April. Subsequently at this week’s meeting Cabinet had also approved the way in which it will be utilised, which was outlined in a Cabinet paper presented by Education Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris.

“Under this loan funds will be used to revise the secondary education curriculum and its evaluation methodology, develop a cluster of fully-fledged secondary schools with facilities at Divisional Secretariat level and to ensure access to quality secondary education opportunities for all children,” he said.

There will also be measures to increase the number of national schools up to 1,000, upgrade the Colleges of Education to the standard of awarding degrees, and improve student performance levels by increasing the number of teachers.

“The Cabinet of Ministers has granted consent for the resolution forwarded by the Minister of Education for the implementation of this investment project worth $ 400 million to be implemented till 2025. The educational reforms will reflect the policies outlined in the President’s election manifesto ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour.’”
