Friday, October 25, 2024
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පළමුවෙනි ස්ථානය සිම්බාබ්වේ මුදල් ඒකකයට


Contrary to the Daily FT report of yesterday, the dairy industry said there will be no change in the prices of milk powder in the local market as yet.


Expectations for manufacturing activities for next three months indicated an improvement in August for first time since February
Services sector expectations up optimism clouded by concerns over import restrictions, increase in taxes and various other uncertainties


පවතින ආර්ථික අර්බුදයෙන් ගොඩ ඒම සඳහා අප නැවතත් ආර්ථික ස්ථායීතාව ඇතිකර ගනිමින් ණය තිරසරභාවය කරා පැමිණෙන බව ජාත්‍යන්තර මූල්‍ය අරමුදලටත් අපේ ණය හිමියන්ටත් පෙන්වා දිය යුතුව ඇති බව ශ්‍රී ලංකා මහබැංකුවේ අධිපති නන්දලාල් වීරසිංහ මහතා පවසයි.


Dialog Axiata Group, the largest Foreign Direct Investor (FDI) operating under the aegis of the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka (BOI), yesterday announced the entering into of two supplementary agreements with the BOI for the investment of an additional sum of $ 152.4 million (Rs. 56.7 billion) in Sri Lanka’s Telecommunications and ICT Infrastructure.


Foreign inflow persists with net buying of Rs. 793 m led by Expolanka
Sept.-to-date net foreign inflow tops Rs. 5 b mark
Local interests return to banking sector stocks


වෙළෙඳපොලේ රත්තරන් මිල


Tourist arrivals for the first 15 days of September totaled 14,833, bringing the arrivals for the January 1 to September 15 period to 511,263.


මෙම වර්ෂයේ දෙවන කාර්තුවේදී ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ආර්ථිකයේ වර්ධන වේගය සියයට 8 යි දශම 4ක පසුබැසීමක් වාර්තා කර ඇතැයි ජනලේඛන හා සංඛ්‍යාලේඛන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව අනාවරණය කරනවා. ඒ, 2022 වර්ෂයේ දෙවන කාර්තුව සඳහා ජාතික ගිණුම් ඇස්තමේන්තු ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කරමින්.


ආහාර උද්ධමනය 84% ඉහළ ගිහින්


The net foreign inflow to the Colombo stock market neared the Rs. 7 billion mark in the month of September so far, supported by SG Holdings buying into Expolanka Holdings PLC among others.


The Colombo stock market yesterday bounced back sharply with both indices gaining on improved turnover and more importantly higher foreign net inflow.


පාඩු ලබන රාජ්‍ය ව්‍යවසාය සම්බන්ධයෙන් තීරණ ගත යුතු බව කියයි


පවුමක නව මිල මෙන්න


Govt. issues Gazette to legalise and regulate casinos
New legislation effective 1 Sept. clearly outlines procedure for application for licence or renewal, matters to be considered in evaluation of an application or cancellation
Opens doors for top new global operators
Big boon for Sri Lanka becoming tourism, leisure and entertainment hub in South Asia
Fee for 5-year licence or renewal is Rs. 500 m; licence for maximum of 20 years must be paid upfront


The year-to-date net foreign inflow to the Colombo stock market rose to Rs. 10 billion largely driven by Japan’s SG Holdings buying into Sri Lanka’s most valuable blue chip Expolanka Holdings PLC.


The Colombo stock market yesterday marked its third consecutive week of gain signalling sustained bullish investor sentiment by both locals and foreign.


CB survey finds decline in employment in manufacturing and services sectors
Soaring inflation and demand destructive policies have weighed on top lines of companies
Exponentially higher interest rates and cost inflation have squeezed their bottom lines
Retirements and resignations have also contributed to loss of employment