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Chinafort Gem and Jewellery Traders Association welcomes Govt. moves to improve Ease of Doing Business

The Chinafort Gem and Jewellery Traders Association (CGJTA) in a statement yesterday said it welcomed the Government’s initiatives to promote Ease of Doing Business measures in the gem and jewellery industry through the Budget 2022 presented by Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa.

CGJTA, styling itself as the largest association of gem dealers in Sri Lanka, also welcomed the recent decision by the State Minister for Gem and Jewellery Related Industries Lohan Ratwatte to set up a one-stop fully fledged office of the National Jewellery Authority and a training centre of the Gem and Jewellery Training Centre at the China Fort Gems Tower located at the world’s oldest open gem market, the Chinafort Pathe International Gem Market.

The Chinafort Gems Tower was ceremoniously declared open by State Minister Ratwatte on 13 November.

According to CGJTA Secretary Liyakath Rasvi, the Chinafort Pathe International Gem Market is one of the most popular and vibrant open markets for gemstones in the world with buyers coming from many parts of the world – the Chinafort Gems Tower and one-stop centre by the NGJA are key steps in achieving the goals stated by Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa in his Budget speech to position Sri Lanka as the hub for gems and jewellery.

The CGJTA has over 1,500 members from across the country including Beruwala, Kalutara, Ratnapura, Galle, Balangoda and Colombo. It also has the highest concentration of gem dealer licence holders authorised by the National Gem and Jewellery Authority and has the largest pool of exporters of all gemstones from Sri Lanka. The CGJTA said its members were at the forefront of sourcing and value addition and re-export of sapphires and other varieties of gemstones from Sri Lanka as well as Africa.

CGJTA Chairman Marjan Faleel, who is also a Member of Parliament, extended heartfelt gratitude of the entire industry to Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa, State Minister Lohan Ratwatte, State Ministry for Gem and Jewellery Related Industries Secretary S.M. Piyatissa, National Gem and Jewellery Authority Chairman Tilak Weerasinghe and the Gem and Jewellery Training Institute in this respect.

Faleel further assured that gems and jewellery would continue to be a major contributor of foreign exchange earnings and highly-skilled employment opportunities to the country.
