Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Sri Lanka’s Fisheries Harbors operate at a massive loss

The Operating Losses of Fisheries Harbors have been mounted causing a heavy burden to the general treasury.

Operating losses totaling Rs.150.96 million had been recorded in 13 Fisheries Harbors in the year 2017/2018 due to inefficiency and over head spending a senior official of the finance ministry said.
15 harbors out of 21 fisheries harbors operated under the purview of Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation.
Thirteen of those harbors had also been generated losses in the preceding year. The attention of Management of the Corporation had not been made to take remedial actions to convert in to profitable status by studying the reasons for making losses of those loss making harbors.
The operation of Chilaw fisheries harbor had been commenced in the year 2009 which was handed over to Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation by spending a sum of Rs. 224 million from the grant assistance of Asian Development Bank and Coastal Resources Management Project.
Providing assistance to the fishermen which should be the main objective of a fisheries harbor had not been fulfilled by the authorities.
Payment of foreign loan and its related interest on behalf of this harbor constructed under grant assistance, had been a burden for the Government as it has being made operating losses totaling of Rs. 65.37 million from operating activity of the harbor even as at the end of the year under review from the year 2011.
