Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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A wealth of information existed prior to April 21 attacks - Senior DIG M.R Latiff

M.R Latiff, Senior DIG and Commandant of the Special Task Force testifying before the Parliament Select Committee mandated to probe the Easter Sunday terror attacks said that although a ‘wealth of information’ had been available prior to the attacks including details of the bombers, very little ‘action-able’ information had been passed on to the STF.

“When we began to discuss this in length after 21st, I realized there were more details which was shared from the Police Headquarters of this extremist organization, their activities and specific addresses,” he said.

“I realized that there was a wealth of information which was available with various organizations that could have been used to take preventive action.”

The Commandant told the committee he found it puzzling that unlike instances in the past, when the IGP and Senior DIG would write to the Commandant seeking assistance of the STF, no such communication was received prior to the attacks on April 21.

“There should also be action-able information for the STF to act upon,” he said revealing that the only letter copied to him by the IGP inferred that the IGP may have already taken action.

He said the letter referred to a specific threat to the Indian High Commission and India House. “I called up the counsellor in-charge of security matters, he was in New Delhi at the time and told me he was aware of the impending threat. Since the STF is entrusted with providing security to diplomats and high ranking officials, I reinforced security to the High Commission, for which the officials at the HC were grateful for.”

He detailed that the only conversation he had prior to the attack was with the Director of State Intelligence Service Sisira Mendis on April 20. The conversation he said was limited to the bike explosion which had taken place in Kattankudy on April 16.

When inquired of his input at the Security Council (SC) meetings, he told the committee that the commandant had never been privy to the weekly Intelligence coordination meeting held or the Security Council meetings.

“I am aware that intelligence officials and the Police meet weekly to review the intelligence information and if required, I would have been invited for the forum. The purpose of this meeting is to piece together information gathered from various agencies that would aid in investigations. The STF has never been part of these meetings. We would like to be part as we provide security to the President and PM.” He told the committee.

When asked of what preventive action could have been taken had this information had been known he said that the STF is capable of tracing the individuals based on the information available. “We would have gone out for them and they would have aborted their plans. That is offensive action. There had been knowledge that attacks would have taken place, we could have done a lot of work. I am in doubt as to why I was not informed,” he said.

(Daily News)