Thursday, October 24, 2024
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Maithri, Chandrika union signs of SLFP change: Nimal joins SLPP

At yesterday’s SLFP 68th Anniversary celebrations held at the Sugathadasa Stadium, former President and SLFP advisor Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge had received a warm welcome when she had arrived. Hence, political analysts predict that this is a sign of another political union.

In the past President Sirisena had not even given the former President an appointment to meet him.

Similarly, UPFA-MP Kumara Welgama had also received a warm welcome at the SLFP Anniversary celebrations.

The SLFP supporters who had thronged the Stadium for the celebrations had accorded Kumaratunge and Welgama a standing ovation and rousing welcome.


Nimal to the SLPP

It was clear in MP-Nimal Siripala’s speech yesterday that he would be joining the SLPP very soon.

He told the media that although the SLFP cannot win the election, it is the SLFP that has the power to give strength to make kings in this country.

He noted that if they are to defeat the common enemy, both the SLFP and the SLPP must unite.

Members of the government, MinisterPatali Champika Ranawaka, Arjuna Ranatunge, Rishad Bathiudeen, S.B. Nawinna and JO members Dinesh Gunawardena, Udaya Gammanpila, Vasudewa Nanayakkara, Tissa Witharana and Hizbullah had also attended.


Two UNP Ministers who were invited

Meanwhile, although two prominent UNP members who were having connections with the SLFP were invited to join the celebrations yesterday, but had not attended due to a decision taken by the UNP not to permit anyone to attend.
