Friday, October 25, 2024
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Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka resumes twitter war

Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka continued a war of words on twitter with those who questioned the Chinese Government on several issues.

The Embassy, which had its twitter account suspended, resumed its war of words as soon as the account was restored by twitter.

To a question posed on twitter if the ban on twitter will be lifted in China, the Chinese Embassy responded saying China believes if twitter could follow the laws and rules of China, the market might also be opened to them.

“Billions users on WeChat & Weibo. SL banned Twitter too when they violated domestic laws,” the Embassy said in a tweet.

Asked by another twitter user when exactly Sri Lanka banned twitter, the Chinese Embassy responded saying “Social media including Twitter were widely shut down by SL Gov during the ethnic riots in Feb 2018 and after the Eastern Sunday attacks in April 2019 etc. due to too much rumors and hatred speeches spread. Were you in Sri Lanka or New Zealand then? Fresh memories isn’t it.” (Colombo Gazette)