Monday, October 21, 2024
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Institute of Management Services (UK) SL branch sets up research endowment program at University of Moratuwa

University of Moratuwa Vice Chancellor Prof. N.D. Gunawardena was handed over Rs. 6.4 million by IMS, UK Past Chairman, Overseas Representative D.L. Seneviratne to initiate a research and innovation endowment award to start a series of postgraduate research studies annually.

He was accompanied by Dr. Sunil Wijesinghe when they visited University of Moratuwa to initiate the process. The research studies would concentrate on the Sri Lankan manufacturing industry sector and would keep the legacy of the IMS Sri Lanka branch alive in the research and industry community. 2024 will see a minimum of three Research Master’s Degree initiations. 2025 would see the launch of a PhD studentship through this support. Thereafter the program is expected to proceed along these lines. 

The MSc research master program with a dominant research project component is unique to University of Moratuwa where it had been setup primarily to support addressing industry issues with a win-win mindset where the industry could place their members and place issues as research problems. The IMS Sri Lanka research program will be administered through the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Moratuwa.