Saturday, January 11, 2025
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Sri Lanka  Tourism Value Chain  binds all stakeholders

A five year Tourism Value Chain is to be created in Sri Lanka with Canadian funding to promote tourism focusing on Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) schemes that impact the lively hood of rural women folk country wide

In today’s world it is not possible to do business if they stand-alone. All the businesses need support from other businesses and for this reason they need to work together with harmony.

To create bond among all the stakeholders of tourism there is no alternative for Value chain and Supply Chain Management.

If tourists become satisfy then they will come again and again and it will increase the revenue which will be distributed among the stakeholders.

So, the prime concern of the tourism and supply chain management is to satisfy the guest and earn profit.

This was brought to the notice of participants at the Stakeholder Forum on Development of Tourism Value Chain of Sri Lanka by Samadani Kiriwandeniya, the Director of SANSA International in Colombo recently.

The Project Director of Entrepreneur Financial Centre of Sri Lanka (EFECS), , Rene Frechet said the five year action plan of the Tourism Value Chain will be launched soon in four selected provinces.

Apart from rice, and pepper cultivation, Banana cultivation is to be introduced by the project. “Tourists who come to the country now look for global environmental aspects such as agriculture and tourism mixed together, he added.

The Tourism value chain will link with other service providers, such as attractions, accessibility, accommodation, amenities, activities and awareness.
