Friday, January 10, 2025
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Sri Lanka implements One Village One Product (OVOP) concept

Sri Lanka implements One Village One Product (OVOP) concept with the aim of changing lives and helping rural poor.

Sri Lanka Export Development Board (SLEDB), has conducted two training and buyer link up programs for handicrafts under the One Village One Product (OVOP) concept with collaboration of Divisional Secretariat Office Panvila and M/s Peoples Lanka Ltd. on 14 May and 20 June at the Panvila DS Division in Kandy District.

Target group was the unemployed women in the Panvila DS Division in Kandy district. Participants were given practical training on manufacturing the paper bags. Trainings were conducted on 14 May and 20 June by the buyer, M/s Peoples Lanka Ltd.

The objectives of the program were to increase the supply base of paper bags and to promote eco-friendly products to the international market and to reduce the unemployment in the province.

After a series of practical training sessions, on 8 August, M/s Peoples Lanka Ltd. opened a manufacturing centre at No: 3/1, Main Street, Panvila with the participation of Divisional Secretary, representatives from Sri Lanka Export Development Board and the women entrepreneurs who wish to work with M/s Peoples Lanka Ltd.

M/s Peoples Lanka Ltd. has appointed 12 women employees for the centre and 88 women employees for manufacturing section. The target production is 2,000 bags per day. The company is willing to open their second manufacturing centre in a remote area in Kegalle district with collaboration of EDB within next few months.
