Tuesday, January 07, 2025
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National Policy on HR and Employment now in wilderness

The implementation of the National Policy on Human Resources and Employment is now in wilderness due to inefficiency and lethargic attitude of bureaucracy.

The digitalization programme towards this end had been assigned as a key function of the Department of Manpower and Employment in February 2010.

Hardware and software valued at Rs.8.34 million had been purchased on 08 September 2015 to establish a NHR system latest report of Auditor General’s Department revealed.

However, that System had not been established and operated, government audit inspection observed.

As such, the assets purchased had remained idle without being made use of for 2 years and 10 months AGs report disclosed

Moreover a practical training had been provided to the officers of the Ministries related directly with the operation of the System by spending a sum of Rs.162,600.

Even though it had been intended to connect 25 Ministries contributing to implement the Policy through the said System with each other ,only 16 of those 25 Ministries had presented the Action Plans in writing on implementing the Policy relevant to the year 2017.

Further the progress in implementing the Policy had not been submitted by any audit report claimed.
