Saturday, October 19, 2024
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Is rejection making you feel unworthy?

Every one is worthy and capable in their own ways. Rejection never means that you are less capable, it means that they might hav been unable to see in you what they were looking for.

Whether it is a refusal in a relationship, a job refusal or being excluded socially, everyone has experienced rejection and the pain the comes along with it. The reason we find rejection so difficult is because it challenges our self esteem. We start to feel inferior and less capable. To get over rejection, we must learn to accept and understand that it is not about capabilities or who we are. We are all unique in our own ways and we cannot be a right fit in every situation or everyone's life.
Never doubt your self worth because of someone else. You are always worthy, you just need to come across the right person.
Dr Bhawna Gautam