Saturday, October 19, 2024
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Resume duties and responsibilities

Holding a special discussion in Kandy today, the Maha Sangha representing the three Nikayas expressed disappointment over the resignation of Muslim ministers and informed them to accept their own responsibilities and fulfil duties to serve the people of the country.

The discussion was held under the patronage of Asgiriya Chapter Mahanayake the Most Venerable Warakagoda Sri Gnanarathana Thera at the Asgiri Maha Viharaya. The Lekakadhikari Theras (Registrars) of the three Nikayas and Anunayake Theras of the Malwathu and Asgiri Chapters also took part in the discussions.

Speaking to media after the discussion, Malwathu Anunayake Venerable Rajakeeya Panditha Niyangoda Vijithasiri Thera said the special attention of the Maha Sangha had been paid to the crisis situation in the country.

“We expect to discuss the action needed to be taken in this regard and to submit the Maha Sangha’s opinion and proposals to the government, the country and its people. The focus of the special discussion was to draft a set of proposals under 15 topics. At this juncture, the country is facing a serious crisis which cannot be taken lightly. There are serious political, financial, social, religious and cultural issues taking place at this moment. It was decided at the discussion to submit a document signed by the Mahanayake Theras to the government and to the people in this regard. It will include 15 points related to the spiritual stability of all in the country, livelihood of the people and the social conduct,” the prelate said.

Meanwhile, he said all the Nayake Theras would like to put forward a collective message to the country requesting that all Sri Lankans including Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims act in harmony.

Commenting on the resignation of all Muslim ministers, the Thera said that they were disappointed by the decision and that it should not have happened.

“We inform all who resigned from their ministerial posts to accept their own responsibilities and fulfil their duties. If there is any important personality, a minister or a politician who has allegations against them, they should report to law enforcement agencies. We have no hatred or animosity towards the Muslims who are living in harmony with other communities in the country. We have to understand this situation,” the prelate said.

He said the situation that had arisen in the country in the aftermath of the Easter Sunday terror attacks should not escalate.

“This has had an impact on the country’s economy as well. Everyone feels a sense of uncertainty. If this situation persists, external forces could find their way into the country and we will have to face a terrible situation. Various business entities, financial institutions, large scale companies and institution heads had called on the Mahanayake Theras and expressed their concerns about the prevailing situation. We express our condolences yet again to those who were killed and injured in terror attacks. We assure that we will provide assistance to them in anyway we can. This special statement was made with the approval of the Mahanayake Theras and the Karaka Maha Sangha Sabha of the three chapters,” Ven. Niyangoda Vijithasiri Thera said.

Malwathu Anunayake Most Venerable Dimbulkumbure Wimaladharma, Asgiri Anunayake Anamaduwe Sri Dhammadassi, Kotte Chapter Mahanayake Most Venerable Ittapane Dhammalankara, Sri Rohana Sangha Sabha Anunayake the Most Venerable Omare Kassapa, Ramanna Maha Nikaya’s Most Venerable Lekakadhikari Rathanasara, Asgiri Lekakadhikari Dr. Medagama Sri Dhammananda, Asgiri Deputy Lekakadhikari Venerable Narampanawe Ananda, Professor Thummulle Shilakkhandha, Dr. Godagama Sri Mangala, Udarata Amarapura Lekakadhikari Venerable Wattegama Shri Dhammawasa, Venerable Kotagoda Sri Rathanasara, Malwathu Karaka Sangha Sabha Senior Karaka Sangha Sabhika Venerable Thibbatuwawe Sri Sidhdhartha Medhankara, Asgiri Karaka Sangha Sabhika Venerable Gallelle Saddhatissa, Ketakumbure Dhammarama, Wandurugala Dhammarathana, Asgiri Karaka Sangha Sabhika Dr. Sri Dhammarathana, Badulu Muthiyangana Raja Maha Viharadhikari Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharadhipathi Asgiri Karaka Sangha Sabhika the Most Venerable Urulewatte Sri Dhammarakkhitha, Venerable Kahawatte Rathanasara and Asgiri Karaka Sangha Sabhika Sashthrapathi Venerable Mahinda Thera took part in the discussion.

(Daily Mirror)