Thursday, October 24, 2024
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Govt to make Railways a ‘closed service’

The Railway service is to be made a ‘closed service’ as distinct from the rest of the public service, according to a Cabinet decision taken yesterday.

A Cabinet memorandum to make the Railway service a ‘closed service’ was approved by the Cabinet of ministers at its meeting held yesterday.

Accordingly steps would be taken in the future to remedy salary anomalies in various grades in the Railway service separately from the rest of the public service. A ‘closed service’ will result in the Railways personnel becoming a separate cadre distinct from the rest of the public service.

This will also mean that this cadre cannot then transfer to other parts of the public service, government sources explained.

A senior Minister told the Daily News said that the decision to make the railway service a closed service was taken after taking into consideration the discussions held with railway trade unions by the Cabinet sub committee appointed last week to look into the salary anomalies in the public sector and submit a report.

However, Sri Lanka Railway trade union representatives told the Daily News that the strike will continue, eventhough the service is to be made a closed service. “We have not received viable solutions to our issues”, he said.

(Daily News)