Saturday, October 19, 2024
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Fisheries Corporation fails to meet  46% of  the customers demand

Sri Lanka Fisheries Corporation has failed meet the customers demand of fish with online system customer service for the Fishermen Information Centre is still see the light of the day.

46 percent of the fish sales target has not been achieved by the corporation while failing to fulfill fish requirement of the customer through supplying fish requirement at concessionary price, an audit inspection revealed

A sum of Rs. 1.5 million has been provided for Online System Customer Services in the year under review by National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency for the Fishermen Information Centre, Auditor General’s Department in its latest report highlighted.

Out of the provided provision a sum of Rs. 710,000 had been allocated to develop computer software to provide online system customer services facilities.

The customer services activities had not been commenced even as at the end of the year under review by developing the software.

It has been targeted to purchase 7200 metric tons of fish by spending a sum of Rs. 2,592 million in the year under review by Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation.

According to the progress report, 3329 metric tons of fish had only been purchased by spending a sum of Rs.1,381 million.

Though it was targeted to earn an income of Rs. 3,375 million by selling 7200 metric tons of fish, an income of Rs. 1,915 million had been earned only by selling of 3857 metric tons, audit report claimed.

Accordingly Corporation had failed to reach sales target by 46 per cent as well as to complete the activity of fulfilling fish requirement of the customer through supplying fish requirement at reasonable price as the main objective of the Institute, the report revealed.
